Garrod: Ever since I came aboard the Freeden, I've had something on my mind. That is . . .

Toniya: Well, what is it?

(Tiffa: Garrod . . .)





Garrod: Why hasn't Jamil ever taken off his sunglasses?!




Toniya: [whacks Garrod] That's what's bothering you?

(Garrod: Ow . . .)





Toniya: But you know, I don't think anyone has ever seen what the Captain really looks like.



Witz: Even though he says it's to hide the scar, it's strange how he never takes them off.



Witz: But actually, this is what I think . . .


Garrod: No, I think it's like this . . .


(*And yet Jamil looked almost identical to Garrod 16 years ago . . . [sweatdrop])


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