"Human Touch III: The Secret Between Us"

Well, I was hoping this would've turned out better, as this is another piece for my part of the status-unknown BtLB2H fanfic, but I guess nobody's perfect. I more or less started losing inspiration for this as I was working on the shading in this, thus the reason some of it looks a bit sloppy. The overall look of this isn't too great either; I really screwed up when trying to draw Jamil's face, and the fanfic-version Khandreia's position looks rather awkward to me. I guess I'm just not all that great at drawing females yet . . . *sigh* The only parts I really like about this picture are the emblem on Khandreia's jacket (which, yes, is the same one you see in the title image on the Gallery's main page) and the little bit you can see of her hand, which is quite remarkable given my inability to really draw hands all that well.

The scan of this is simply awful; much of it is terribly washed out, so you can't see some of the lighter shading in some places. But anyway, the reason for the title is supposed to be that at this point in the fic, their relationship is supposed to be a total secret, and this is supposed to be one of the times where they're meeting in private. (The rest of the Freeden crew does eventually find out, but I won't divulge how this actually happens yet.) And this was actually going to be something that tried to resemble a drawing Tiffa would do, but when I messed up on the line work, I decided to just do it all in my style instead. Not the best way to close out 2001, as it was my final finished project of the year, but I guess it's all right. Just call it a learning experience, I guess . . .